Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Wednesday, July 1

Magdalene House founder and our great friend Becca Stevens was the preacher at today's General Convention Eucharist. She is always a spectacular speaker. I will send the link to the video and the text of the sermon as soon as I can. Afterwards I went by the Thistle Farm booth in the Exhibit Hall and it was buzzing with business. Becca was posing for lots of pictures. A good day for this wonderful work.

I don't know how long it will be at this link, but I encourage you to watch this video of the Bishops' March Against Gun Violence. You'll get a taste of the inspiring preaching of Michael Curry, our Presiding Bishop Elect. He can bring the word.

Here's a story about yesterday's debate that resumed today over the structure of the church. As I said yesterday, I don't have a dog in this hunt, but for those of you who do, here's a report about it --

I rested today, and I visited the LDS Family History Library where after a bit of tutoring I did some genealogical research at this amazing facility. It was fascinating. I only made a modest bit of progress, but it's given me a direction for some future research sometime down the line.

As the convention recessed, I heard word that the House of Deputies passed authorizations for the church to offer same-sex marriage. I'm sure there are some nuances, and I will link more in-depth reports as soon as I can. I'm getting a bite to eat and retiring early tonight. Should have a lot more energy tomorrow after a pretty relaxing day. 


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