Thursday, June 22, 2006

Convention Post Script

One last PS from General Convention.

I'd like to give you links to the sermon by Jenny Te Paa to the UTO Eucharist. I thought it was exceptional.
Warning: she is a theologian; seminary dean from New Zealand; it is a fairly dense piece of preaching.
To read or download her sermon, go to:

The other sermon I'd like to promote is Presiding Bishop Elect Katharine Jeffort Schori's sermon at the final Eucharist.
To read or download her sermon, go to:

Beginning tomorrow, I'll resume sending my Morning Reflections based on the readings from the day's Daily Office.
It will be sent to the same email address that I've used for the General Convention reports.

You are welcome to continue on the list, but if you only wanted the General Convention updates and do not want to receive Morning Reflections, it's easy to unsubscribe.

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P.S. Here are a few responses to the B033 resolution calling for restraint in episcopal elections. I was particularly interested in Gene Robinson's thoughts:

Bishop Dorsey Henderson of Upper South Carolina, co-chair of the Special Committee on the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, described the resolution as "an appropriate and blessed way forward, strengthening the Episcopal Church, strengthening the Anglican Communion, without closing any doors unnecessarily."

Bishop Geralyn Wolf of Rhode Island, a member of the committee, said it is "the best that we can do," conveying hope that the Anglican Communion realizes the process has been the result of a compromise.

"It's a relief to me because my hope is that we can stay in communion and continue the conversation and affirm the Windsor process," she said. "Having this vote in both houses says to the Anglican Communion that we are very serious about our relationship."

Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire expressed some disappointment with the resolution because it does not affirm the role of gay and lesbian people in the church, but seemed encouraged by the seriousness with which the Episcopal Church has grappled with the issues in public.

"The church has a picture of the wide diversity in this church and people have been remarkably honest and loving in all of this," he said in an interview after the vote. "I have been approached by all kinds of people who have felt called to vote for this resolution in order for us to continue the conversation with the Anglican Communion."

Robinson encouraged support for Presiding Bishop-elect Katharine Jefferts Schori "in every way give her everything that she can have in her pocket to go to the primates meeting, to go to the rest of the Communion," he said. "In some sense, having given the Anglican Communion what it asked for regarding gay and lesbian members of this church, we'll be looking to them to see if they were serious about wanting to be in conversation about this, or whether they wanted this to end the conversation."

Describing the process as a journey, Robinson acknowledged that there will be bumps in the road.

"This is not what we hoped for, but it's what we have, so I'm much more interested in talking about tomorrow than I am about today or yesterday," he said.

Bishop Mano Rumalshah of Peshawar in Pakistan, one of more than 60 international visitors at General Convention, said the resolution represents the best response given the circumstances.

"It could have been much more but at least it keeps the door open and allows the dialogue to continue and let's rejoice in that," he said. "Let's not give up. Let's not draw the lines too hard. Let's continue to have hope in humanity and each other and in God's spirit that, yes, things can go on."

PPS: Thanks to everyone who read all these reports and thanks for all of your prayers.



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